Monday, 15 April 2013

HTC, Singing Sams and Fruit

So mobile phones pretty much dominate everyone's lives at the moment. Whether it's for social media, keeping in touch with friends or playing annoying addictive Simpson's tapping games. God how I love that game! With the tapping and the cash and the oh gawdd donuts.
Anyway, I've been a massive fan of phones since a young age. Always looking at the new features, what phones don't have and who's the big players at the moment. Thankfully there seems to be two major players nowadays and a combat battle for third. As i'm slightly biased to HTC, I'm going to say they take third spot though.
Smart phones nowadays fall into three categories in my opinion; Android, Windows and some crappy expensive iOS. The apple bubble has soured for me. Expensive phones which are expertly made, but released too frequently without great upgrades. Lets cover the 3 biggest phones anyway:



Newest update of the HTC range. This phone looks lovely and I cant believe it's taken so long to get front facing speakers on a mobile phone. I've spent so many occasions cupping my rear speaker on my HTC Sensation XE to try and project the sound to someone's ear, but alas, it barely works, even with the Beats sound included. A great update from someone in the market who was losing ground to the competitors in it's range. I wouldn't be surprised if this phone sells millions in the UK and it's frequently seen with people. The problem is Samsung and Apple have the market pretty covered and people like to stay with the same phones Galaxy II, III, 3GS, 4, 4S etc...
I personally would go for HTC again, although I had a problem with the customer service team which made me question the company, but the ONE X is a really nice phone. I want one!

Samsung Galaxy IV

I don't know how they do it but every year they sell a butt-load of phones in their galaxy S range. Time and time again they add great new features and gorgeous looking phones. They use plastic instead of a more premium looking aluminium but the phones themselves are big bright phones. My partner has an SII and it's a great phone, pretty much the same specs as my phone but runs games smoother and faster. They have the market covered and I can't see it stopping anytime soon, only if they decide to venture away from the Android operating system- something which I think is in the pipeline. They make great products though- my samsung TV is just wonderful so I would certainly consider the samsung brand of phones in the near future!



Apple, Apple, Apple. What has thy done... They make phone after phone, iPad after iPad and still manage to shift LOADS of them. People taking photos of each other with their current Apple products in line to buy the next Apple product. It's a monopoly! But they do make lovely looking phones and great products. Most people you see using phones seem to have an iPhone, or know someone with an iPhone and there must be a reason for this. It's not the fashion accessory that the iPod was back in the day with the white headphones but more of a premium item that people see as something to show off with. I personally wouldn't get an Apple product because I find the whole thing very pretentious. I understand people love them, but for the money it's extortionate. Take the iPad mini, retailing for £350 yet the google nexus retails for £200 for the same storage. I find the whole thing a bit crazy!

N.B. Blackberry God I used to hate these phones. Once a great tool of a businessman, now a teenager sexting/ rioting tool, Blackberry has lost it and I wouldn't be surprised to see RIM go bankrupt soon.The phones used to be a premium item but now they are plastic, cheap and tacky. Not to worry, it's easy to stay clear of them now!

I know this has been a bit of an Apple bash (crumble) but I find Android have the market nicely covered with phone companies such as Samsung and HTC releasing premium phones. Who knows what features we'll see soon?! I'd love a phone with mini-DJ decks in them (Barley)

"If Time is a Drug, then Big Ben is a Huge Needle Injecting it into the Sky"

As I mentioned in my previous (and first) blog, i'm following the theme of Brass Eye for my
Imagesecond blog.

I never watched this series first time round (as I was only 6 when it was first broadcast, although I guess I could have made an appearance in their Special 2001 show) but I have watched intently over the last few weeks at this intriguing look at satirical comedy.

It's a very likeable cast for myself. I loved the I.T Crowd and things like SpacedGreen Wing and Friday Night Dinner.

Set the Scene: So you've got two great masters of British Comedy, Chris Morris and Mark Heap. The latter of these genius' literally left me in stitches in Green Wing. In the last episode of Friday Night Dinner "So much blood" almost had me crying with laughter but Chris Morris was little known to me, apart from the I.T Crowd in which he was about as funny as dead baby jokes. Pretty funny then.

Chris Morris makes a laughing stock of not only the whole journalist media frenzy that exists nowadays in the U.K but the celebrities and everything they try to endorse just to make their name as household as Dyson. Unfortunately for them, they make their name as being like Crocs- laughable and embarrassing. As for the media imitation, they really do overreact to all sorts of articles, something that constantly irritates my partner and I on a regular basis. Frequently we're met with BBC news articles stating the "ANTIBIOTICS ARE BECOMING LESS EFFECTIVE THAN EVER BEFORE" as if it's new news. Snore Zzz....

Arguably my favourite episode was the first one. Animals. In this episode, a graph is displayed that makes as much sense as a chain of foxes head on sticks. The problem, of course, is that when you do this, the word cruel starts flashing. This kind of comedy amuses me. It makes no sense, like the news reports that normally write about this kind of thing. It reminded me of the brilliant Look Around You written by Peter Serafenowitz. 

I won't bore with every joke that is found in the series because the less known, the more surprised and offended you'll be.

What this program does is make you question. It makes you wonder why you're laughing at this kind of humour. Articles about something which normally people would discuss in such serious chatterings about a horrific news story. It pushes the boundaries and changes the rules. Instead of the constant "family" comedy we have oh so much of nowadays this is strictly for adults. Like Family Guy it ridicules the people that are too easily idolised and I have every faith that if this was shown on Channel 4 in the present day it wouldn't be as complained about as was first broadcast- something which very much irritates me.

If you've never watched this series, and you're over 18, give it a watch PLEASE. Unless of course you're easily offended in which case stick to something like My FamilyMiranda  or the Simpsons- all of which I love.

My first thoughts

This is my first blog. What a big step. A curl(e)y haired lad just giving a bit of thought on the important things in life; football, politics, history.

Actually none of those things.

More like; games, phones and other sciencey things that I like. Maybe some T.V and film reviews.

 Almost definately football, I lied.

So what to talk about... I guess the last game I played- Assassin's Creed III: Liberation.
I've had my PS Vita now for about 6 months. Its brilliant, well, it doesn't have a great range of games, but it's great just to look at- who uses it to play games anyway?! oh right...

So i've waited ever so long to get my hands on this game, and it's finally at a price I can afford (tight bastard, £22 preowned). I get home and can't wait to start the story. 
Let me set the scene, I borrow my mates Xbox 360 to play the original assassins creed-shit.
I get assassins creed 2 for my Ps3 years later- Amazing
I get assassins creed brotherhood for my ps3- amazing
I get assassins creed revelations for my ps3- confused.
I'm a pretty big fan of the series.

So I get my hands on this game and can't wait to play it, only it doesn't feel right. It's just not good... Within the first few minutes I assassinate someone, but instead of a lovely cutscene esq visual, i'm met with my character aveline killing thin air when a man resurrects himself and walks through a wall as a transformed NPC. I'm beginning to think i'm playing an old PS2 game. I persist with the game but it doesn't really cut the mustard as far as the AC games go really. Nevermind, i've sold it on eBay and got some of my money back.

I personally think that no one should buy this game, unless that it's the only game you feel you want to play next on the Vita- use it as a last resort. As for me, I think Persona 4 Golden will be the next on the list. Maybe. If the price comes down. A lot.

Oh, if you're wondering why the was red text, im a Liverpool fan. If you don't know what that is, Google 'Champions League 2005 Final'. You'll see what I mean.

My next post will most likely be about the T.V. show, Brass Eye, something which I recently stumbled upon.